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[#13805] Anfin Anfinson

Gjest Nancy Salstrand

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Gjest Nancy Salstrand

Do you have access to information about the Anfinson family? We have found two Anfin Anfinsons-One was born in 1823 in Lofthuseiet, Beggli, Rollag, Buskerud Numedal Norwayand was listed inthe 1870 census of Houston Co Minnesota. The other was listed in Mission Townshipp, LaSalle Co Illinois in 1855 They appear to be two different people Iam particulary looking for a Hattie Arnfinson (listed as Herta Abrahamson in the Houston Co MN 1880 cencus after she married Charles Abrahamson. She was born in 1844- Idon´t know ahether she was born in Norway Sweden or the USA, but she was in MN along with the other Arnfinson in a very small community, so they must be related.Thank you for any help.Nancy Salstrand

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