I found my great great grandfather, Jacob Christoffersen, born in 1819. The link is to his christening and birth.
See No. 6 https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051109020462
I am looking for his father Christoffer Andersen and his mother Marte Jacobsdatter. Is the Christoffer Andersen in the 1801 census below the same Christoffer Andersen that is in Jacob Christoffersen’s christening and birth? Christoffer Andersen is then born in 1800.
1801 Eiker Census see 217 https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ft20090806630644
Also, what does “Warlof” mean at the end of Marte Jacobsdatter’s name in Jacob Christoffersen’s christening and birth?. I did not find a farm name “Warlof.”
Best Regards and Thanks,
Jay Jacobsen