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Brev fra California, Jenny Hatleset, Eikefjord. Holsen, Førde

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It seems we can safely assume that Tamara's husband's grandmother Jenny was the daughter of Ananias Teodor Johannesson and Anne Samsonsdotter. Their marriage has been found by Torbjørn, # 5.


Ananias' christening: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-120

# 187

birth: 28 September 1863

christening: 15 November 1863


"Inderst Johannes Rasmussen og Berthe Bertelsdatter Kleiven"

An "innerst" is someone who lives in the house of someone else. Kleiven is the place where they lived, more correctly called Klauva. It is located northeast of Florø, on the north side of the fjord.

Since Johannes and Berte are called Rasmussen and Bertelsdatter, their fathers' names will be Rasmus and Bertel.


A sister to Ananias, born 1865: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-135

# 146 Rachel Dorthea

Johannes is "Hmd", i.e. husmann, a crofter.


The family in the 1865 census: http://digitalarkive...&merk=1298#ovre


Johannes came from the parish of Jølster, Berte from "Storøen" = Stord.


Johannes and Berte's marriage: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6894&idx_id=6894&uid=ny&idx_side=-69

# 40, 16 August 1863

He came from Flatjord, Jølster, living at Kleiven. Age 27 1/2. Father: Rasmus Jespersen Kleiven.

She came from "Sæverhagen", Stord, living at Kleiven. Age 24 3/4. Father: Bertel Hermansen Matland.

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Berte died 15 January 1870: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6897&idx_id=6897&uid=ny&idx_side=-43

# 4


Johannes married Berte's sister Ingeborg, aged 34, in 1871: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6897&idx_id=6897&uid=ny&idx_side=-6

# 10.

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Johannes and Ingeborg's children, 1871 at Kleiven, later at Haukå:


girl: Johanne Berthine Alette, 1871 # 116: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-178


boy: Bertel Olai, 1872 # 123: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-184


girl: Berthe Marie, 1874 # 129: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-195


boy: Rasmus Tobias, 1876, recorded 1877 # 87: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-216


boy: Nils Kristian, 1878, recorded 1879 # 31: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-237


girl: Anne Bertine Ovidia, 1883 # 25: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6890&idx_id=6890&uid=ny&idx_side=-282


Johannes, Ingeborg and their youngest daughter in the 1900 census: http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=11&filnamn=f01437&gardpostnr=758&personpostnr=4532&merk=4532#ovre

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Jenny's mother Anne Samsonsdotter's christening:


Anne Johanne Henrikke

# 54

birth: 30 January 1867

christening: 26 March 1867

parents: "Hmd Samson Mathiasen og Olsdat[te]r Furrusund"

Hmd = crofter. Furrusund = Furesund, a place just west of Florø


Samson and Johanne's marriage:

# 12

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6894&idx_id=6894&uid=ny&idx_side=-72

He was a bachelor and timber worker, came from Skr...? in Avaldsnes, lived at Furesund, aged 28 3/4, son of Mathias Da...?

She was a maiden, came from Ommedal in Gloppen, aged 28 3/4, daughter of Ole Larsen

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Samson and Johanne in the 1865 census: http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=3&filnamn=f61437&gardpostnr=183&personpostnr=1211&merk=1211#ovre


He's said to come from Haugesund. As far as I know, that's in Avaldsnes parish (cf. marriage record).


Samson as a widower in the 1900 census: http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=27&filnamn=f01437&gardpostnr=627&personpostnr=3686&merk=3686#ovre


He was a boat builder.


And his daughter and her family.

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Johannes Rasmussen's christening:

Jølster 1836 # 2: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=11529&idx_id=11529&uid=ny&idx_side=-21

birth: 21 December 1835

parents: farmer Rasmus Jespersen and wife Anne Tollevsdatter, living at Flatjord (Fladjord)


Berte Bertelsdatter's christening:

Stord 1838 # 93: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=11675&idx_id=11675&uid=ny&idx_side=-111

birth: 8 August 1838

parents: farm user (Forpagter) Bertel Hermansen and wife Brite Nilsdatter, living at Sæverhagen

The child is recorded as Brithe. Brite can be a different name from Berte and Birte, but they are often used interchangeably.


Samson Matiassen's christening:

Tysvær 1834, recorded 1835 # 3: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=1702&idx_id=1702&uid=ny&idx_side=-19

birth: 21 December 1834

parents: crofter Matias Damsen and wife Kristi Samsonsdatter, living at Vågen

(Samson had his confirmation in Avaldsnes, 1852 # 13: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverk...ny&idx_side=-54)


Johanne Olsdatter's christening:

Gloppen 1835 # 33: Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=11429&idx_id=11429&uid=ny&idx_side=-88

birth: 11 August 1835

parents: farmer Ole Larssen and wife Oline Sørensdatter, living at Ommedal

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The death of Anne Tollefsdatter at Kleiven:

1861 # 96

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6896&idx_id=6896&uid=ny&idx_side=-64



I wonder if this record of the death of "Rasmus Jørgensen" at Kleiven is really for Rasmus Jespersen?

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6896&idx_id=6896&uid=ny&idx_side=-64

1864 # 39


Oline Sørensdatter as a widow at Ommedal at the 1865 census:




The head of the household appears to be her son, i.e. Johanne Olsdatter's brother.

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Bertel Hermansen and Berte Nilsdatter at Matland at the 1865 census:




Wow!!! Good morning! You have done amazing amount of research THANK YOU!!!


I cannot wait to study this. What is very intersting is Jennie Johnson's husband, Amandus Olaf Berthelson ( my husband's grandfather) is born in Aalesund.


His father, Bertel Bertelson I think might be the son in this census. I have been heading this way and found this cenus a couple of weeks ago.I also have family letters - A sister Ann Marie ( Bo Nordland), a brother Johannes Ingevald, wife Helga and a younger brother Berthel Bertelson Mattland. I found 8 in the family. 2 girls died early, 3 Brothers came stateside. Amandus in his US social secruity number application that his parents were Bertel Bertelson and Anna Oldson. Please see my post of decendants of Anna Johnson.....my head is spinning.


I'm either way off track or this is quite a story- paternal and maternal both have family ties??????.....Tamara

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Bertel Hermansen and Brite Nilsdatter married in Stord 1834 # 28:

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=11675&idx_id=11675&uid=ny&idx_side=-204


First marriage of both, both aged 26.

His father: Herman Hermansen Solhaug.

Her father: Nils Samsonsen Hysingstad (= Hystad)

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Matias Damsen and Kristi Samsonsdatter married in Tysvær in 1832, # 4:

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=1702&idx_id=1702&uid=ny&idx_side=-317


First marriage of both, aged 22 and 18.

He was born at Lindanger, living at Vågen. Father: Dam Olsen Vågen.

She was from Aareg (Årek). Father: Samson Torbjørnsen Årek.


Ole Larssen and Oline Sørensdatter married in Gloppen 1820 # 9:

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=11428&idx_id=11428&uid=ny&idx_side=-118


First marriage of both.

He was from Ommedal, aged 30.

She was from Emiellem (= Eimhjellen), aged 22.

Only the best men are recorded, not the fathers.


Ole Larssen at Ommedal in the 1801 census: http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=6&filnamn=f18011445&gardpostnr=10&personpostnr=251&merk=251#ovre


Parents: Lars Olsen and Abeline Rasmusdatter.


Oline Sørensdatter at Eimhjellen in 1801: http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=12&filnamn=f18011445&gardpostnr=16&personpostnr=408&merk=408#ovre


Parents: Søren Anderssen and Pernille Iversdatter.


Wow!!! Good morning! You have done amazing amount of research THANK YOU!!!


I cannot wait to study this. What is very intersting is Jennie Johnson's husband, Amandus Olaf Berthelson ( my husband's grandfather) is born in Aalesund.


His father, Bertel Bertelson I think might be the son in this census. I have been heading this way and found this cenus a couple of weeks ago.I also have family letters - A sister Ann Marie ( Bo Nordland), a brother Johannes Ingevald, wife Helga and a younger brother Berthel Bertelson Mattland. I found 8 in the family. 2 girls died early, 3 Brothers came stateside. Amandus in his US social secruity number application that his parents were Bertel Bertelson and Anna Oldson. Please see my post of decendants of Anna Johnson.....my head is spinning.


I'm either way off track or this is quite a story- paternal and maternal both have family ties??????.....Tamara


You're welcome, Tamara!

This is great fun, being able to help!

I'll look into the Amandus branch ...

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It seems Amandus and Jenny were fairly closely related: He was her father's first cousin.



Bertel Bertelsen and Anne Massi Olsdatter married in Kinn in 1877 # 1:

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6897&idx_id=6897&uid=ny&idx_side=-14


He was from Matland in Avaldsnes, born 1850, son of Bertel Hermansen.

She was from Skorpen (= Skorpa), born 1855, daughter of Ole Rasmussen.

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Wow!!! Good morning! You have done amazing amount of research THANK YOU!!!


I cannot wait to study this. What is very intersting is Jennie Johnson's husband, Amandus Olaf Berthelson ( my husband's grandfather) is born in Aalesund.


His father, Bertel Bertelson I think might be the son in this census. I have been heading this way and found this cenus a couple of weeks ago.I also have family letters - A sister Ann Marie ( Bo Nordland), a brother Johannes Ingevald, wife Helga and a younger brother Berthel Bertelson Mattland. I found 8 in the family. 2 girls died early, 3 Brothers came stateside. Amandus in his US social secruity number application that his parents were Bertel Bertelson and Anna Oldson. Please see my post of decendants of Anna Johnson.....my head is spinning.


I'm either way off track or this is quite a story- paternal and maternal both have family ties??????.....Tamara


You have probably already found this, but i put it in the thread for information purpose for other readers:


Amandus' christening (#41):

Kildeinformasjon: Møre og Romsdal fylke, Ålesund, Ministerialbok nr. 529A05 (1885-1893), Fødte og døpte 1886, side 19.

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverk...ny&idx_side=-18

Permanent bildelenke: http://www.arkivverk...60925050608.jpg


Amandus' family in 1900: Link


... and we find Amandus' father in the same census from Avaldsnes in post #33 above.

... and while my head was spinning, Torodd has already got one step further (post #37).

Endret av Torbjørn Igelkjøn
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There seems to be a problem with the online church books at the moment, but here's some more:


Anne Massi Olsdatter was born on Skorpa in Kinn parish in 1855 as the daughter of Ole Rasmussen and Anne Margrete Larsdatter.


They had married the same year. Anne Margrete was a widow aged 43, living at Skorpa, originally from Apalset in Førde parish. Her father was Lars Anderssen.


And guess what?! Ole Rasmussen was born at Flatjord in Jølster and was the son of Rasmus Jespersen, whom we've met already. So it turns out that Amandus and Jenny were also second cousins ...

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There seems to be a problem with the online church books at the moment, but here's some more:


Anne Massi Olsdatter was born on Skorpa in Kinn parish in 1855 as the daughter of Ole Rasmussen and Anne Margrete Larsdatter.


They had married the same year. Anne Margrete was a widow aged 43, living at Skorpa, originally from Apalset in Førde parish. Her father was Lars Anderssen.


And guess what?! Ole Rasmussen was born at Flatjord in Jølster and was the son of Rasmus Jespersen, whom we've met already. So it turns out that Amandus and Jenny were also second cousins ...


Head still spinning...not sure how the pedigree chart is gonna look????!!!. Was this common in those days? I have a couple of old pictures titled Mr & Mrs Anderson. Couple pics taken as picnics in "Sula" Spjelkavien

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Anne Margrete Larsdatter's first marriage was to Aleksander Olai Martinussen from Skorpa, son of Martinus Larssen and Birte Ellingsdatter.


According to the Naustdal bygdebok (vol. 1, p. 160), Anne Margrete was born at Apalset in 1819. Parents were Lars Anderssen (from Apalset) and Lisbet Nilsdatter (from Underli, also in Naustdal)

(Naustdal was formerly part of Førde parish.)

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Head still spinning...not sure how the pedigree chart is gonna look????!!!. Was this common in those days? I have a couple of old pictures titled Mr & Mrs Anderson. Couple pics taken as picnics in "Sula" Spjelkavien


Not common, but also not unheard of.

I have a "worse" case in my own chart ...


I'll leave off here for how -- enjoy your chart drawing!



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Amandus' christening:

Kildeinformasjon: Møre og Romsdal fylke, Ålesund, Ministerialbok nr. 529A05 (1885-1893), Fødte og døpte 1886, side 19.

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverk...ny&idx_side=-18

Permanent bildelenke: http://www.arkivverk...60925050608.jpg


Amandus' family in 1900: Link


... and we find Amandus' father in the same census from Avaldsnes in #33 above.

... and while my head was spinning, Torodd has already got one step further.


:o :blink: ......

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I know you probably already knew this, but I thought it is useful for other readers to have links to the primary sources to find the connection.

Endret av Torbjørn Igelkjøn
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Going back to # 15: Tamara, you mention Fred and Dorothea Jacobson. Were they your husband's grandparents on the other side?


This is probably them leaving Norway in 1896; they were already living in the USA: http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/WebCens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=4&filnamn=0218EMIG&gardpostnr=359&merk=359#ovre

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You say Fred's wife was Jenny's aunt. That's correct; she must be Ananias' sister Rakel Dortea, see # 26.


Aunt Margaret said there was a relative of Jennie's family that married Fred. I found 2 marriages stateside for fred, one was Dorthea and the other Ann Berthilla. don't know if these are correct. One census for Fred showed certain children which Aunt Margaret verified- she new their nicknames. I can find the links if that would be helpful?.


If we are still on the premise that Jennie is the daughter of Annanias, the the link I sent earlier from ellis Island shows the location and whom they were traveling to. It was to Chicago, Illinois, To brother-inlaw Fred Jacobsen. Please let me know if this link doesnot work . I will send my transcrption of the shipp mannifest....Tamara






I know you probably already knew this, but I thought it is useful for other readers to have links to the primary sources to find the connection.


I appreciate any and all help!!!!!!!

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:o :blink: ......


I had no words to speak....These little faces just meant I'm overwhelmed with your amazing help and findings....it's unusual for me, normally I'm the one overwhelming others....Tamara

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