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David Widerberg Howden

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Jeg har en rein Skiens-linje tilbake i 7 generasjoner og er mtDNA haplo-gruppe H6a1b4. Men ser jeg på treffene jeg får opp på FTDNA, er den neppe opprinnelig norsk. Av de få som har testet fullsekvens, ser det for meg ut til å være en Irland/Skottland-grein. Også har du de amerikanske utvandrerne, selvsagt.

Endret av Stian Høiset
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I am an American who lives in Minnesota.  We are 100% norsk with roots in 6 places in Norway.  I have a brother living and a mother.  One of our places is Vinje and Rauland in Telemark.  I have a hard time understanding all that is written in this debatt.  Would we be good canditates for this test?  And how would we go about it?  The Telemark branch is on our father's father's mother's side.

Endret av Margaret Miller
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I am an American who lives in Minnesota.  We are 100% norsk with roots in 6 places in Norway.  I have a brother living and a mother.  One of our places is Vinje and Rauland in Telemark.  I have a hard time understanding all that is written in this debatt.  Would we be good canditates for this test?  And how would we go about it?  The Telemark branch is on our father's father's mother's side.


You are very much welcome to do a Y-DNA and/or mtDNA test wether your paternal or maternal lineages are from Telemark or not. All with Norwegian roots are welcome in the Norway Project at Family Tree DNA.

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Hi Margaret! Thank you for helping me with my Brønnøy area ancestry many years ago.


To check your father's father's mother (her mtDNA), you have to find a descendant of her, that is her daughter, her daughter's daughter and so on (female line). To find their yDNA, you will have to find a male descendant of your great great grandfather (male line), or a male descendant of his brother, his father etc. 


 That could probably be difficult? But you could take the cheapest test (that is, may be, the one that will give you most fun), the autosomal test, by FTDNA called Family Finder, and find relatives from Telemark, or relatives with roots from Telemark - along with your other relatives who have taken the test:

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But of course you should take the mtDNA test or have you father or brother etc take the yDNA test - as Svein Arnolf pointed out! I'm interested in where in Norway your mother's roots come from - mother-mother's mother etc?


I want to mention that Margaret has been writing (together with others) at least 2 bygdebøker for Norway. I'm pretty sure that we also can write in Norwegian - and she will understand  :)

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Hei!  The female line goes back to Askvoll Sogn.  The male line goes straight back to Gran Hadeland Oppland.  The other places are on Dad's side:  Gran, Verdal NT, Vinje and Rauland TE, og Sømna og Brønnøy i Nordland.  Mors sida fra Askvoll og Hyllestad og Nordfjordeid i Sogn. Takk for gode ord fra deg Arnstein.  Jeg sendte i DNA til Ancestry.com.  Fars side er 98% Skandinavisk.  Mor 50% Skandinavisk or resten British Isles !!!!!!!   Ancestry test tar du tilbake bare "hundreds or thousands of years", not way back.


Takk til alle for svar.  Jeg skal skjekke ut FTDNA og Norway Project Family Tree DNA.

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Takk. Det er jo mange med paternal rot i Gran som har tatt yDNA test. De som deltar i Norgesprosjektet har haplogruppene I1, N1c, R1a og R1b.


I1: Anders Olsen Skaarudeie f ca 1723

I1: Niels Torgersen Løreneie f 1777

I1: Endre Isachsen f 1678


N1c: Lars Pedersen Hagaeie


R1a: Ole Joensen f 1798

R1a: Peder Olsen Haug f 1748

R1a: Johannes Sørensen Lynne c 1645

R1a: Ola Matson Dynna f 1720


R1b: Lars Arnesen f 1697


Jeg tror gjerne at vi ville ha fått DNA-match dersom du hadde tatt en autosomal test (Family Finder)  :)

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