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Ole Larsson Urness, fødd Hafslo 1844 - til Lofoten 1850 - til Christiania 186? - til Amerika etter 1865? - lækjar i Chicago, IL 1870 - flytteåri hans?

Lars E. Øyane

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Ole Larsson Urness, fødd i Hafslo 14.3.1844, son av Lars Pederson og Ingeleiv Olsdotter, flytte i 1850 med far sin og ei stemor til Buksnes i Lofoten.  Sidan flytte dei vidare til Borge i Lofoten, men tidleg på 1860-talet ser Ole ut til å vera flytt til Christiania der me i 1865 finn ein


Ole Larsson, bryggeriarbeidar, ugift, fødd i Sogn 1844!


FT1870 for Chicago, IL syner:


O. L. Urnes, 26 years old, physician, single.


Han gifte seg i Chicago, IL 3.5.1873 med Synneva «Susan» Quam, fødd i Hafslo 15.3.1847 og utvandra i 1870.  Kring 1878 flytte dei til Freeborn Co., MN der dei slo seg ned som farmarar, samstundes som Ole endra namnet sitt til Edward Ernest!  Han døydde i Albert Lea, MN 6.10.1907.  Susan Ernest døydde same staden 9.6.1924.  Dei fekk sju born i lag.


Kvifor Ole endra namnet sitt so «drastisk», kan eg ikkje gjera greie for.  Heller ikkje kvifor han forlet lækjaryrket, men eg ser ikkje bort ifrå at det kan vera ein samanhang...  Kanskje ein liten «skandale»?  Kanskje noko for den gongens presse i Chicago, IL?


Men utfordringi gjeld i første rekkje å finna:


* Flyttingi han frå Borge til Chridstiania i 1860-åri?


* Utvandringi hans til Amerika før 1870?


Elles kan eg leggja til at Ole hadde ei søster:


Øllegaard Larsdotter Urness, fødd i Hafslo 20.12.1846.  Ho ser ut til å ha vakse opp i Hafslo der ho i 18965 tente på garden Lomheim, men i 1866 utvandra ho til Amerika.  I 1870 var ho hushaldar «Julia Larson» hjå bror sin i Chicago, IL  Kanskje reiste dei over i lag?  Den seinare lagnaden hennar er ukjend!


Eg takkar so mykje på førehand for alle gode tips om desse søskeni, flyttingi hans og lagnaden hennar!

Endret av Lars E. Øyane
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Hjarteleg takk til Ann-Mary for interessante innlegg!


Når det gjeld namneformi frå FT1870, er eg samd i at ho kan tolkast på ulike vis.  Hjå ancestry.com er namnet alfabetisert med O. L. Urnes, men uansett kva som verkeleg står der; dette er mannen me ser etter!


Når det gjeld utvandringsåret, so stemmer det at han i 1900 er oppgjeven utvandra i 1864, medan kona utvandra i 1867.  No veit me at Synneva ikkje utvandra før i 1870, og utvandringsåri frå FT1900 er diverre ikkje alltid å stola på.  Når Synneva er oppgjevi utvandra tre år for tidleg, kanskje det same er tilfelle med Ole?


Elles kan me sjølvsagt ikkje vera trygge på at det verkeleg er «vår» Ole Larsson me finn som bryggeriarbeidar i Christiania i 1865 (http://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/ft/person/pf01038027056307), men namn, alder og fødestad synest passa svært so godt...  Og han er borte frå Christiania i 1875!


Eg takkar på ny for alle gode tips!

Endret av Lars E. Øyane
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  • 1 år senere...

Eg vil i dag gjerne få henta fram att denne utfordringi som har lege i «dvale» sidan januar i fjor.


Ole Larsson vart konfirmert med namnet Ole Pedersen i Borge i 1858: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/2635/160


Men ein kan berre slå fast at utflyttingsprotokollane frå Borge tydeleg er svært mangelfulle, og Ole finst ikkje nemnd der mellom 1858 og 1870!  Han vert som nemnt sagd ha utvandra i 1864, men han KAN godt vera faren noko seinare...


Søsteri Øllegaard, som i 1870 er hushaldar hjå broren i Chicago, IL under namnet Julia Larson, voks opp i Hafslo der ho vart konfirmert i 1862: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/6864/42


og framleis budde i 1865: http://www.rhd.uit.no/folketellinger/ftliste.aspx?ft=1865&knr=1425&kenr=002&bnr=0043&lnr=000


Ho utvandra til Amerika i 1866 med Fido frå Bergen, men nokon Ole Larsson var tydeleg ikkje på den båten, med mindre han steig på ein annan stad?  Kanskje ankomstlista til Québec syner noko anna?




Uansett, dersom det var «vår» Ole som er nemnd som bryggeriarbeidar i Christiania i 1865, kan me vel ikkje venta at han står på Québec-lista frå Bergen...


Andre del av denne utfordringi, som til no ikkje har stått so mykje i «fokus», er lagnaden til Øllegaard Larsdotter i Amerika.  Der er eg heilt «blank».  Eg har sett fleire døme på at Øllegaard vert til Julia, men eg har òg sett Ella og Ellen som amerikanske namneformer...


Eg ser at Julia Earnest er nemnd som faddar på eldste sonen til broren Ole i Chicago, IL i 1875, Ludvig Malcom: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/60722/41742_314741-00005?pid=4666778&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?_phsrc%3DNzx3378%26_phstart%3DsuccessSource%26usePUBJs%3Dtrue%26gss%3Dangs-c%26new%3D1%26rank%3D1%26msT%3D1%26gsfn%3DLudvig%20Malcolm%26gsfn_x%3DNP_NN%26msbdy%3D1875%26msbdy_x%3D1%26msbdp%3D2%26cpxt%3D1%26cp%3D12%26MSAV%3D1%26MSV%3D0%26uidh%3D008%26pcat%3D34%26h%3D4666778%26dbid%3D60722%26indiv%3D1%26ml_rpos%3D1&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=Nzx3378&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true


Dette er ikkje noki enkel utfordring, men eg trur ikkje at nokon andre kan greia dette betre enn ekspertane i Brukarforum, og eg takkar endå ein gong so mykje for alle gode tips!

Endret av Lars E. Øyane
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Eg ser forresten at ei Julia Ernst og ein Charles Knebke fekk ei dotter Bertha i Chicago, IL 11.6.1881:


Name Bertha Knebke
Birth Date 11 Jun 1881
Birthplace Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Gender Female
Race (Original) w
Race White
Father's Name Charles Knebke
Mother's Name Julia Ernst


men eg veit jo ikkje om dette kan vera «vår» Øllegaard!?


Eg finn ikkje denne huslyden att i nokon andre kjelder!


Eg takkar på ny for alle gode tips!

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Eg har no motteke frå Amerika ein obituary for Edward Ernest frå 1907, og denne er interessant på fleire vis.  Eg freista leggja heile obituarien inn, men fekk ikkje det til, so eg attgjev den første delen som for oss er interessant:




The Evening Tribune, Albert Lea, Minn., Saturday, October 12, 1907


Edward Ernest died at his home on East Third street Sunday evening, after a long illness of tuberculosis of the lungs, age 63 years.  Mr. Ernest was born in 1844 in Norway.  He came to America in 1864 and enlisted in the United States navy and served until the conclusion of the war.  In 1870 he went to study medicine in Rush Medical college, Chicago.  He opened an office in that city and practiced for some years. but was compelled to abandon practice on account of poor health.  He came to Minnesota for a change of climate about twenty-nine years ago, and located on a farm in Bancroft township where he remained about seven years….




Her står det, i samsvar med FT1900, at Ole (Edward) utvandra til Amerika i 1864, og utvandringi kan vel på sett og vis «legitimerast» gjennom at han gjekk inn i den amerikanske marinen på slutten av borgarkrigen.  Denne krigen var jo som kjent over i 1865!


Det kjem òg fram at han verkeleg studerte medisin og arbeidde nokre år som lækjar i Chicago, IL, so då stemmer dette med FT1870!


Elles er det jo då heilt klart at «vår» Ole IKKJE kan ha vore bryggeriarbeidar i Christiania i 1865, so han kan me sjå heilt bort ifrå!


Diverre har obituarien ingen opplysningar om søsken, so Øllegaard/Julia er framleis eit stort uløyst «mysterium»!


To store «hovudutfordringar» står altso att når det gjeld Ole/Edward Urness/Ernest:


** Er det mogeleg å finna ei passasjerliste frå 1864 der Ole er nemnd?


** Og kva med amerikanske hærarkiv som syner Ole i US Navy i 1864/1865?


Eg takkar på ny for framifrå bistand til å løysa desse utfordringane og vonar på fleire «gullkorn»...

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So er følgjande melding komi frå Amerika:




Here is Ole's Naval Enlistment Rendezvous Record in Chicago for the week of August 27, 1864.  Note that the name is indexed "Ole Laus*" but corrected to the right to Larssen. Lots of information if you scroll all the way to the right on the page. He enlisted on August 26, 1864 in Chicago giving his birthplace as Norway but his residence as Chautauqua County, New York on Lake Erie.




Her kjem det elles fram at Ole var «seaman» av yrke, so me lyt tru at han livnærte seg som matros før han i 1864 utvandra til Amerika.  Då vert det mindre viktig å finna passasjerlista, men denne kunne uansett skaffa oss opplysningar om andre som han reiste i lag med...?


Og me sit att med utfordringi Øllegaard «Julia» Larsdotter Ernest...  Kvar i all verdi kan det ha vorte av ho?


Ein ny kjempetakk for framifrå bistand med å kløysa denne utfordringi!

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  • 4 uker senere...
På 7/6/2017 den 11.46, Lars E. Øyane skrev:

Eg ser forresten at ei Julia Ernst og ein Charles Knebke fekk ei dotter Bertha i Chicago, IL 11.6.1881:


Name Bertha Knebke
Birth Date 11 Jun 1881
Birthplace Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Gender Female
Race (Original) w
Race White
Father's Name Charles Knebke
Mother's Name Julia Ernst


men eg veit jo ikkje om dette kan vera «vår» Øllegaard!?


Eg finn ikkje denne huslyden att i nokon andre kjelder!


Eg takkar på ny for alle gode tips!


Eg vil i dag gjerne få henta fram att denne utfordringi der lagnaden til Øllegaard Larsdotter Urnes alias Julia Ernest, fødd i Hafslo 20.12.1846 og utvandra til Chicago, IL i 1866, framleis står uløyst, og eg spekulerer på om denne Julia Ernst med mann Charles Knebke i Chicago, IL KAN vera «vår» Julia?


Eller finst det andre gode «kandidatar» der ute?


Det hadde vore «gigantisk» om det let seg gjera spora opp denne jenta i Amerika, og eg takkar på ny for alle gode tips!

Endret av Lars E. Øyane
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Ser at Ole Larsen har flere alias - Ole Lausen - Ole Earnest (se vedlegg)

The U.S. Navy Pensions Index, 1861-1910
Name:    Ole Larsen
[Ole Lausser] 
Publication:    M1469
Pension Approval:    Approved
File Number:    61833
Certification Number:    24016
Fiche Number:    23267
Additional Info:    Second alias Edward Earnest.
Archive:    National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Collection:    U.S. Navy Pensions Index


The U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934
Name:    Ole Larsen - http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?viewrecord=1&r=an&db=civilwarpension&indiv=try&h=3437935
[Ole Lausen] 
Gender:    Male
Relation to Head:    Soldier
Spouse:    Symon Earnest


The U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934
Name:    Ole Larson - http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?viewrecord=1&r=an&db=civilwarpension&indiv=try&h=3438680
[Ole Laussee] 
Gender:    Male
Relation to Head:    Soldier
Spouse:    Synva Ernest


Finner en Ole Larsen emigrert fra Oslo i 1864, ingen alder dog. - http://www.norwayheritage.com/p_list.asp?jo=1299&ps=17048






Skal sjekke i aviser for Ole og søsteren Øllegård/Julia (Earnest).....



Ole Larsen_alias_I.jpeg

Ole Larsen_alias_II.jpeg

Endret av Egil Johannessen
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Hjarteleg takk til Egil for siste meldingi og for at du er viljug til å leita vidare etter Øllegaard.


Eg kan berre ønskja deg lukke til og held fingrar og tær krossa!

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Ingenting foreløpig, men har du sjekket original f. attest for Bertha f. 1881 - Knebke/Kuebke eller hva står det egentlig?

Illinois, Cook County, Birth Certificateshttps://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NQYL-5XJ
Name Bartha Kuebke
Event Type Birth
Event Date 11 Jun 1881
Event Place Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
Registration Place , Cook, Illinois
Gender Female
Father's Name Charls Kuebke
Mother's Name Jule Ernst
Certificate Number 7776
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Hjarteleg takk til Egil for siste innlegget!


Nei, eg har ikkje sjekka ut den originale fødselsattesten for denne jenta, men eg har nettopp tinga ein kopi, som normalt vil dukka opp innan eit par dagar, so fær me sjå...


Ein ny kjempetakk for framifrå bistand for å løysa denne kjempeutfordringi!

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Eg har i dag motteke ein kopi av den originale fødselsattesten til Bertha Kuebke frå Chicago, IL, og som me ser, er denne Julia Ernst «German», so me kan utelukka ho som «kandidat» til «vår» Julia...


Vel, «back to square #1»...  Kanskje har du, Egil, eller andre, nye tips om lagnaden til «vår» Øllegaard/Julia?


Ein ny kjempetakk for framifrå bistand for å løysa denne utfordringi

Kuebke birth.jpg

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  • 10 måneder senere...



My name is Christine Baron, and my great-grandfather was Ole Larrson/Ed Ernest. 


It was very, very exciting to come across your postings concerning his life. 


Is your interest in my family professional?  



Chris (Ernest) Baron

Rockville, Maryland USA (near Washington DC)



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Dear Christine!


It was great to see your message!  Thank you very much for contacting me in this matter.


No, I am not a learned historian, but for more than 40 years, starting on a hobby basis, I have been studying the families in and from Luster County, Norway, the home County of my own father, and within a twelve volume book series (also part of the collection of the Library of Congress) I write about these families including more than 6000 emigrants to the United States and Canada also including their spouses, their children and the children's spouses.  Your great grandparents were TWO among many, but my objective has always been to trace as many as possible of the emigrants, no matter who they were or what they did, and I am kind of proud to say I have located more than 90% of them, and boy has this been a huge project to follow, which I hope to complete by the end of 2018.


By the way, talking about your great grandfather, Ole Larsson Urness aka Edward Ernest (1844-1907), he and his wife Susan (1847-1924), who was also a native of Luster County, Norway, raised, as you certainly know, a family of seven children of whom one died as an infant while still in Chicago, IL.  Four of these children married, but only Ludvig Malcolm aka Louis M. Ernest (1875-1935) had children of his own, so I deduct he must have been your grandfather!?  If I remember correctly, I talked to one of Louis' children on one of my visits to the United States back in the 1980's, and thus I got a «basic» knowledge of the family.  Subsequently, I have been able to locate many additional details, providing for a fairly good and complete biography of the seven children, but I do have one big «challenge»:


* Joseph Newton Ernest (1879-1958) who went west at a young age, married in Seattle, WA Dec. 12, 1921 a woman named Eva B. Abrams, supposedly born in Scotland Aug. 16, 1890 or 1892, dying in Seattle, WA Oct. 22, 1968.  She had been married before to a man named G. Wilbur Abrams, born in England in Sep. of 1886, and they had a daughter Barbara, born in Montréal Aug. 10, 1910.  I believe Wilbur and Eva divorced.  I have never been able to find Eva's middle or maiden names or where exactly she came from in Scotland!?  Would you happen to know?


Apart from this, the «biggest challenge» to solve in this family, concern your great grandfather's sister:


* Ollegaard aka Julia Urness/Ernest, born in Luster Co., Norway Dec. 20, 1846.  She emigrated in 1866 and was a housekeeper for her brother in Chicago, IL before he married Susan.  Julia shows up as a baptismal witness in 1874 and 1875, but after that I can find no trace of her at all!


Any suggestions you might have to solve these challenges of mine, about Joseph's wife Eva and/or about Julia, would be more than welcome!


Thanks again, Christine, for writing!  I'll be waiting to hear from you again!

Endret av Lars E. Øyane
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Hi Lars,


Thank you for your kind reply.  


Yes, Lewis Ernest was my grandfather, although he died before I was born, so I didn't have the chance to know him.  You mentioned talking to one of Lewis' children in the 1980's.  That would have been my father Edward Ernest or his brother, Malcolm Ernest, as they were the only children living at that time.


Unfortunately, I'm not able to answer either of your questions concerning my family.  I know Joseph ran a dry cleaning business in Seattle/Vancouver.  His wife was Eva, but I wasn't told anything more about her.  I've tried looking for additional information.  This confirms her birth date and date of death (source=US Social Security Death Index):


Eva Ernest

The deceased was born Tuesday, August 16, 1892 and was living in the state of California when they applied for Social Security benefits.

Eva Ernest died October 1, 1968 at the age of 76 years, 1 month and 16 days.


Your question regarding Julia Ernest is especially intriguing because I'd never heard of her existence at all!  I can't find anything about her either.


Your postings have taught me things about my family that I didn't know, and I'm extremely grateful to you.  You clarify the family lore in discovering that Larsson was changed to Ernest in the move from Chicago to Albert Lea, Minnesota, not in the original move to the United States as I'd been told.  The reason always given for the name change was that the name Larsson was so common, so Ernest (the place in Norway he'd come from) was used instead.  I'd always hit a dead end looking for Ernest, Norway.  Now I've got it---Hafslo and Urness!


I'm just beginning to search my family history, so have a lot to learn.  I look forward to your book, and want to congratulate you on such a fine effort.


Thank you again for your posts about my family.  


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Dear Christine,


I am happy to know that you enjoy my information and research!  It has been a «life-style» for me for so many years, and I know I will work on genealogy as long as I live!


Yes, that sister Ollegaard «Julia» is indeed a big «challenge» and probably one of those which some day may show up where we least expect it....  Similarly, I am also looking for a Johanna (or Hannah) Christopherson (aka Peterson) from an entirely different family who disappeared in Chicago, IL about the same time as Julia after having been sponsor to a couple of children...  Julia and Hannah must have known eachother from Norway...!  Some of those ladies sure know how to hide...


As far as Eva Abrams Ernest is concerned, I believe there is only one last way of finding out who she really was (parents and maiden name), and that would be to order a copy of her death certificate from Olympia, WA.  Knowing her date and place of death


Eva B. Abrams Ernest, born Scotland Aug. 16, 1892, died in Seattle, WA Oct. 22, 1968,


that should be easy to find.  The informant would logically have been her only daughter:


Elsie Barbara Abrams (Bere) HESSION, born in Montréal Aug. 10, 1910, died in Seattle, WA Oct. 14, 1975.


Too bad they died so late, since I have access to free copies of all WA death certificates up until 1957, while these would have to be ordered from the Washington State Health Department (or possibly from the King County Health Department?), and only God knows how long they would take to reach me in Europe, adding the problem of money transfer to pay for them.  I don't know about WA, but the state of California only accepts American checks or bank drafts, no credit cards!


By the way, here is Elsie's last marriage record from 1945 to Hession:



And here is Elsie's 1st marriage record from 1935 to Bere:



Thanks again, Christine, for your great interest in the project and any assistance that you can give me to obtain at least Eva's death certificate would of course be extremely much appreciated...


Very sincerely yours,


Lars E. Oyane

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  • 3 måneder senere...

Dear Christine,


If you are still following this topic, let me tell you that I have today identified Eva Abrams as Eva Barbara Aitken, born in Montréal, QB Aug. 16, 1888.  Her parents had emigrated from Scotland.  More about Eva, her parents and her 1st husband can be found in this topic:




So at this point no official records are required from WA to get the answers about Eva!


Still remaining as a major challenge is what happened to Ole Larsson Ernest's sister Ollegaard (Julia?), see details in #16 above.  Will we ever be able to figure that out?


Thanks again for any suggestions and/or information about her!


Very sincerely yours,


Lars E. Oyane

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  • 10 måneder senere...

Hi Lars,


I don't know if you ever solved the mystery of Ollegarad Larsdatter Urness, Ole Larson/Ed Ernest's sister, but I just noticed something.  I fear I'm just misunderstanding what I see, but will share it with you anyway.

In  your July 6, 2017 posting in this chain, you report a 1865 domicile listing Lars Pederson (born 1843) (Ole/Ed Ernest's father) living with Ollegaard Larsdatter (born 1846) who is listed as a service girl.  Doesn't this suggest Ollegaard was the age of Ole's father, and also unrelated to Ole or Lars?  I'm not sure I understand how she could be Ole's sister.

In any case, I guess this may be too late to help with your book.  I'm curious if you have finished your last volume?  This is such an amazing work you have undertaken!

I am planning a trip to Norway next year, so remain very interested in learning as much as i can about my family, in Norway.  I hope to visit Hafslo, and understand I should try to determine the farm/Bygdebokl assoociated with my family.  I would most appreciate knowing which volume of your work contains my family so I can read it and hopefully more.  

All my best,
Chris Baron



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  • 1 år senere...

Innlegg #21:




So har det skjedd som eg forventa, at Øllegaard Larsdotter ville dukka opp der ein minst venta det...


What I was hoping would happen, has indeed happened, Ollegaard «Julia» Earnest has given a sign of life:


I refer to this baptismal record from the McFarland branch of Christ Lutheran church in Stoughton, Dane Co., WI:




Kirstine Johanne, born Sep. 25, christened Nov. 10, 1878 - to parents Jorgen Knutson and Anna Olsdotter - parents and sponsors all had emigrated from Luster or Hafslo in Sogn, Anna Olson and Johannes Olson from Kroken, the neighboring farm to Urness - and the last sponsor is: Ollegaard Larsdotter!


We know from before, Ollegaard Larsdotter alias Julia Earnest, lived in Chicago, IL with her brother, Dr. Ole Larson Earnest, but Ole moved with his family about 1878 to Freeborn Co., MN.  And no sign has ever been found of Ollegaard/Julia in Freeborn Co., MN!!


So now is the big question: Can any additional sign be found for Ollegaard Larsdotter alias Julia Earnest in the McFarland, WI neighborhood?


Thanks a million for your great efforts trying to solve this big challenge!

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  • 3 måneder senere...

Innlegg #22:


Eg vil i kveld gjerne få henta fram att denne kjempeutfordringi!


Eg står framleis like fast på denne saki; kvar vart det av Øllegaard Larsdotter Urness etter november 1878?


Eg har diverre ikkje noko å leggja til av opplysningar, so det er berre å vona på at Øllegaard/Julia skal dukka opp som brur eller mor...


Ein ny kjempetakk for framifrå bistand med denne huslyden!

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