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Need help with birth record for Sophi Solomonsdatter Berg

Rebecca Johnson

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I am trying to decipher the birth record for my husband's great-grandmother Sophi Solomonsdatter Berg.  Her father is Solomon Jacobsen and her mother is Anna Laursdatter? Tormondsdatter?  Sophi is born 1 Jun 1847 in Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway.


I cannot seem to figure out how to imbed a link of the url for the online record but I attach my image.  I found the record on page 12 of 97 parish register Hjelmeland 1846-1860 born and baptised.


I would like to know any information about her parents and the names of the witnesses.  All help is appreciated.

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The link:

Rogaland fylke, Hjelmeland i Hjelmeland, Ministerialbok nr. A 9 (1846-1860), Fødte og døpte 1847, Side 12
Permanent bilde-ID: kb20051209010770
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051209010770
(Nr. 38)



(There is a special forum for interpreting scanned sources. :) )

Tyding av skannede kilder


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If you use the browser Internet Explorer, it does not function well with this forum software..


When in the editor, press the 'Toggle editing mode' button on the left side of the menu. (The font is changing.)  Focus the cursor and paste (press CTRL and v) and the link will be copied from your clipboard into the editor. After you have sent the post, the font will be normal again.

Endret av Anne-Lise Hansen
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I'll try:

[inderst=] lodger Solomon Jacobs. and Anne Larsdr. Hougenstad.
Witnesses: Ole Johns. Houge, Aanen Ravnsfjæld, Siri Waagelien?, Kari Fosaaen? and Lisa Houge.


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Thank you so much for your help Anne-Lise.  I see you have sorted out the translation but I have favourited the link to the other forum so I use that next time.  When I translated the pages I got the impression that this was the forum for Rogaland questions.


If you use the browser Internet Explorer, it does not function well with this forum software..


When in the editor, press the 'Toggle editing mode' button on the left side of the menu. (The font is changing.)  Focus the cursor and paste (press CTRL and v) and the link will be copied from your clipboard into the editor. After you have sent the post, the font will be normal again.


Endret av Rebecca Johnson
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(I don't work at the archives.)


You can post other questions in the userforum.

Brukernes eget forum


Yes, I tried to interprete, but there were a couple of farm names I was unsure of.  :)

Endret av Anne-Lise Hansen
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Wow!  How did you find that census so fast?  Is there a clue in the birth record that I can look to in future?

Endret av Rebecca Johnson
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I searched with his first name only, Hjelmeland in Rogaland in the geography menu on the left side and in the right column (residence) I wrote Ravnsfj*


I cannot find Solomon, though..


The 1865 search form: https://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/en-gb/ft/sok/1865


I think a certain knowledge of local geography helps.


This is a useful link:


History of the parishes and local parishes in Norway



The couties in the left column:

Endret av Anne-Lise Hansen
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Thank you!  There is so much to learn.  Incidentally, my mother-in-law's last name evolved to Ramsfeld (from Knutsen Ravnsfjeld) by 1929 in Canada.

Endret av Rebecca Johnson
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Yes, there is, and I learn something new every day with this hobby..!


You have done a good job in finding Sophie's baptism, I think, since the family is not to find in the 1865-census. :)

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Thank you so much for your help Anne-Lise.  I see you have sorted out the translation but I have favourited the link to the other forum so I use that next time.  When I translated the pages I got the impression that this was the forum for Rogaland questions.


Statsarkivet in Rogaland (and the others) answers look-up questions in identified (or easily identified) sources and if the sources are digitally awailable here at the Digital Archives, it is better to post the questions in the user forum.


You will find all forums on the front page: https://forum.arkivverket.no/

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Besides, we have just learned that the Norwegian Archives no longer (from 2017-01-01) will give priority to us who is searching for our ancestry.

Maybe you will use Google translate on this answer we had from the management here:



Arkivverket har gjennom mange år brukt betydelige ressurser på å tilrettelegge Digitalarkivet for slektsgranskere og andre som har behov for digitalisert arkivmateriale. Vi har også brukt betydelige ressurser på å hjelpe og veilede. Men for å kunne hjelpe flere og sikre likebehandling av våre brukere i hele Arkivverket må vi bruke mindre tid på hver enkelt henvendelse. Enkelte av våre brukere har svært omfattende spørsmål som kan være  tidkrevende å behandle. Vi opplever også en stor pågang i innsynssaker som er tid- og kompetansekrevende; dvs. innsyn fra parter, forskere og journalister. Disse sakene omhandler enkeltpersoner- og gruppers rettigheter, og må håndteres i henhold til lov- og regelverk. Vi må derfor vri våre begrensede ressurser over til saksområder der de er mest påkrevd.


For enkelte av våre brukere vil dette mulig bli opplevd som et svekket tilbud, og det gjelder først og fremst avanserte arkivbrukere. Men de aller fleste brukere av våre tjenester vil på sikt oppleve at tilbudet vil bli bedre. Arkivverket får i 2017 nye nettsider og vi jobber videre med å digitalisere og gjøre tilbudet på Digitalarkivet enda bedre. Vi skal fortsatt ha et godt tilbud på lesesalene der brukere kan gjøre arkivundersøkelser, og der vi også har lokale avtaler med foreninger som tilbyr kurs og veiledning.




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I see.  It makes sense.  I thought I had bypassed the "Archive Researchers" forums so I am glad you provided the links to the proper ones.  I also belong to a Danish forum and they have a similar set up as the "User" forum and "Scanned Documents" you gave me the links for.  Thankfully, also, the languages between Danish and Norwegian are similar enough that I can make out a lot of the basic information on the parish records and the pages you gave me. 


The biggest challenge for me is understanding the Gothic writing styles used back then and the professions that are not familiar to me (ie: I know gaard in Danish is farmer but I did not know rytter was rider/soldier).

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