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Etterlysning: Johannes Jonasson Værøy/Leite, f. 1863 i Askvoll, emigrerte til USA i 1888.

Werner Kvalem Vesterås

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Hva skjedde egentlig med Johannes Jonasson Værøy/Leite, født på Værlandet i Askvoll kommune i 1863?  Han emigrerte til USA i 1888, og siden hørte ikke familien noe mer fra ham.  En søster av ham hadde visstnok kontakt med ham pr brev, men innholdet i disse er ukjent.

Spørsmålet ble også stilt på dette forumet i 2010.

Har prøvd å finne ut noe mer om Johannes, og har nylig klart å finne ham "over there".  Han emigrerte over Bergen den 12. april 1888, og var framme i Quebec rundt 19/20. april.  I mai 1888 ankommer han Detroit, Michigan, og 31. oktober 1888 søker han statsborgerskap, i Miner County, Territory of Dakota.

Lenke til emigrasjonen.

Lenke til akomsten i Quebec.

Lenke til Naturalization Record for Miner county, Territory of Dakota.

Noe mer har jeg ikke klart å finne.  Kanskje noen har noen tips om hvor jeg kan lete videre?

På forhånd takk!

Edit:  Et bilde av Johannes, mest sannsynlig sendt i et av brevene til søsteren.  Fotografen er E.A.Sather, i Tacoma, Washington. Bildet må være tatt i 1889 eller senere, da Sather ikke startet sin virksomhet før i 1889 (kilde).


Edited by Werner Kvalem Vesterås
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Du får håpa at Anton ikkje er alt for skuffa ved valget borte i USA, slik at raskt kan sjå på «din» Johannes.


Anton «over there» har hjelpt maaaaaange fram til no her på DA. Og han skriv på norsk.

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4 timer siden, Werner Kvalem Vesterås skrev:

Noe mer har jeg ikke klart å finne.  Kanskje noen har noen tips om hvor jeg kan lete videre?

På forhånd takk!

Har du prøvd DNA-testing?

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Faren død 1903. Etterlet seg 5 born, m.a. ein son i Amerika.


Lensmannen i Askvoll, AV/SAB-A-26301/0006/L0001: Dødsfallprotokoll, 1873-1918, s. 30b-31a
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk10611312111036


Mora død 1925. Arvingane er m.a. ein son i Amerika.


Lensmannen i Askvoll, AV/SAB-A-26301/0006/L0001a: Dødsfallprotokoll, 1919-1942, s. 26
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk10611811193029

Skifteregistrering 20/7 1925. Skifteregistreringsorotokollen er skanna, men har "internettklausul" på 100 år. Det kunne ha vore interessant med eit oppslag, evt. får ein vente 14 månader til 1925 blir opna.


Lensmannen i Askvoll, AV/SAB-A-26301/0006/L0005: Registreringsprotokoll, 1921-1936, s. 60-61
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk60190116000033


Eg ser no at @Gisle Hersvikrefererer til skiftet i den gamle tråden:



I skiftet etter mora i 1925 er det nemnd;'Sønn Johannes Jonassen Værø, 63 år. Han reiste til Amerika for ca 35 år siden og de har ikke hørt fra ham de sste 30 år. Hans pårørende tror helst at han er død der borte, da all efterlysning har vært forgjæves.'I dødsmeldinga etter eine søstera i 1942 er han ikkje nemnd i det heile.Kanskje det er mogeleg å finne han allikevel?MVH Gisle


Edited by Torbjørn Igelkjøn
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12 hours ago, Werner Kvalem Vesterås said:


Veldig vanskelig søk. Destinasjon er Minn sannsynligvis Minnesota og kanskje Stillwater?   Feil, men riktig er etter Jackie Marler, (Carthage 

which is in Miner county, South Dakota (or Dakota Territory).



Edited by Anton Hagelee
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2 minutes ago, Anton Hagelee said:


Veldig vanskelig søk. Destinasjon er Minn sannsynligvis Minnesota og kanskje Stillwater? Vanskelig å lese byen.



Think it is Carthage which is in Miner county, South Dakota (or Dakota Territory).

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2 hours ago, Jackie K Marler said:
3 hours ago, Anton Hagelee said:

Think it is Carthage which is in Miner county, South Dakota (or Dakota Territory).


Yes you are correct. I did not go straight across. The location of Stillwater, Minnesota belongs to the person above Johannes J  Værøy.  Probably to Bernt Roland





Edited by Anton Hagelee
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I added some lines to make it easier to see which destination belongs to which person.  I agree with Jackie, it is Carthage.


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Here is a possible from SD State Historical Society website of headstone / cemetery transcriptions.  Note there is only one date and it is in a different county than Miner:



Sorry not possible FAG has birthdate of 1828: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/47343861/johannes-jonasson

Edited by Jackie K Marler
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2 timer siden, Jackie K Marler skrev:

Did Johannes have any other relatives already in America, uncles or aunts, cousins?

According to the bygdebok (Askvoll bygdebok. 2 B : Folket : ættarbok frå det 16. århundrad til 1969), he had a cousin, Mathias Andreas Pederson Værøy, b. 1870, which emigrated the same year as Johannes (1888).

EDIT:  I now see that Mathias emigrated in june 1888: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/8/pe00000000680729


Edited by Werner Kvalem Vesterås
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I was hoping that the obituary / biography of Matt Landoe might tell a bit about coming to his cousin or something of that nature, but not to be :


Laurel Montana Outlook, Wed 16 June 1948 page 2 col 5

If he worked on the Northern Pacific, NP's employment records are quite interesting, giving like a resume of employment etc.

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Okay the photographer lived mostly in Minnesota before the 1900 census except in April of 1895 when one of his children Edwin was born in Washington, might help date the photo:



A family tree gives this birth information for Edwin the son of the photographer EA Sather and it seems well sourced:



Edited by Jackie K Marler
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The picture of Johannes has, oddly enough, the photographer's name, E.A. Sather, Tacoma, Washington on the front, while on the back it says Brown's Photograph Gallery, San Francisco, Cal.


Edited by Werner Kvalem Vesterås
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Nøkkelen er vel kanskje det som står om duplikat.


Eg har sjølv eit bilete av oldemor mi, merka med fotograf i Marinette, Wisconsin. Dette trass i at ho aldri sette sine bein utanfor landets grenser.

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And the picture on the front doesn't seem to be a "Dorthea", so who is she who has the name on the back?


Here is something about Brown's: https://researchworks.oclc.org/archivegrid/collection/data/145416397


The address 606 Kearny in San Francisco had a photo studio on it for a long time.  A man named Oscar Foss had a gallery there in the late 1860s to 1870s.  I was unable to ascertain when Brown's started or ended for sure.  The last newspaper mention was in 1904 in the San Francisco Chronicle and San Francisco Call was  in regards to a purported illegal scheme of substituting one Chinese immigrant for another evidenced through the use of the photography service.

Edited by Jackie K Marler
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1 time siden, Jackie K Marler skrev:

And the picture on the front doesn't seem to be a "Dorthea", so who is she who has the name on the back?

Dorthea is the daughter of Henrikka, the sister of Johannes.  Dortea may have inherited the picture after her mother.

Edited by Werner Kvalem Vesterås
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36 minutes ago, Werner Kvalem Vesterås said:

Dorthea is the daughter of Henrikka, the sister of Johannes.

So in 1891 her family was living on Nikoy and after her marriage in 1900 she was on Haago (or Haugo?) 


E.A. Sather's first ad appeared in the Bemidji (Minnesota) Pioneer in March 1900.  In April 24 & May 1 1902 Bemidji Pioneer reports EA Sather was about to go on a "scouting" trip to California or was departed on his scouting trip and then in September 1902 E.A. is back in town and is having a "sale" on photos --at old former prices-- and then October announces that he will be moving to Oregon to make his home.  In 1904 it was announced in the paper that E.A. Sather and others from Bemidji were observed in business at Prineville, Oregon.


All the ads posted in the Bemidji Pioneer mentioned his low prices.  Perhaps part of his method to produce at low price is to buy other studio stock overruns --such as of cardboard stock to mount the pictures on?  He even advertised to sell the family piano at "half" price but had to be done by 15 Oct!



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1 time siden, Jackie K Marler skrev:

So in 1891 her family was living on Nikoy and after her marriage in 1900 she was on Haago (or Haugo?) 

Nikø = Nikøy, a farm on Bulandet in Askvoll municipality.  Haagø = Hågøy, a nearby farm.

(Anna) Dorthea grew up on Nikøy and married Teodor Hågøy. They are listed under Hågøy in the bygdebok.

Edited by Werner Kvalem Vesterås
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4 timer siden, Jackie K Marler skrev:

E.A. Sather's first ad appeared in the Bemidji (Minnesota) Pioneer in March 1900.  In April 24 & May 1 1902 Bemidji Pioneer reports EA Sather was about to go on a "scouting" trip to California or was departed on his scouting trip and then in September 1902 E.A. is back in town and is having a "sale" on photos --at old former prices-- and then October announces that he will be moving to Oregon to make his home.  In 1904 it was announced in the paper that E.A. Sather and others from Bemidji were observed in business at Prineville, Oregon.


All the ads posted in the Bemidji Pioneer mentioned his low prices.  Perhaps part of his method to produce at low price is to buy other studio stock overruns --such as of cardboard stock to mount the pictures on?  He even advertised to sell the family piano at "half" price but had to be done by 15 Oct!

According to this newspaper article about E.A. Sather they moved to Tacoma, WA in 1889.

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1 hour ago, Werner Kvalem Vesterås said:

According to this newspaper article about E.A. Sather they moved to Tacoma, WA in 1889.


Flyttet rundt her og der?


I Minnesota


E A Sather

Census • United States Census, 1900




I Oregon


Evin A Sather

Census • United States Census, 1910









Edited by Anton Hagelee
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