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Interpreting a probate record from 1770

Richard Berg

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Can someone please interpret the relationship and date information on this probate index card?
https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/27/pa00000000851364  (image also attached)


This record has a registration date of 25 Oct 1770 and seems to be all that's available regarding this event - i.e. no "will" or other detailed property information.  My 3rd g-grandfather was Ole Haagensen (b. 12 Aug 1804) whose father was Haagen Olsen (b. 24 Oct 1766). These birth dates don't correspond with anything recorded on the index card. Here are the birth records of my ancestors:


Ole Haagensen (born in Hobøl): https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/2934/310   (right-hand page)
Haagen Olsen (born in Hobøl): https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/2934/132   (middle of left-hand page)


Thanks for any help.




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1 time siden, Richard Berg skrev:

Can someone please interpret the relationship and date information on this probate index card?
https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/27/pa00000000851364  (image also attached)


This record has a registration date of 25 Oct 1770 and seems to be all that's available regarding this event - i.e. no "will" or other detailed property information.  My 3rd g-grandfather was Ole Haagensen (b. 12 Aug 1804) whose father was Haagen Olsen (b. 24 Oct 1766). These birth dates don't correspond with anything recorded on the index card. Here are the birth records of my ancestors:


Ole Haagensen (born in Hobøl): https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/2934/310   (right-hand page)
Haagen Olsen (born in Hobøl): https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/2934/132   (middle of left-hand page)


Thanks for any help.





The index card is just that. It is made by the State Archive in Oslo in "modern times" (roughly mid 1900s, I guess).

The original is here:

Øvre Romerike sorenskriveri, AV/SAO-A-10649/H/Hb/L0009c: Skifteprotokoll nr. 9c, 1763-1773, s. 1070-1071
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk20090130380546


it is an "oppgivelsesskifte", meaning that the couple (Haagen Olsen Trøgstad and wife Guri Thorersdaatter)

both are alive and able, and "give up" their properties for division among their heirs.

1. Thorer Henrichsen 22 years old, from first marriage of Guri (with Henrich Henrichsen)

2. Ole Haagensen, son of Haagen and Guri.


Basically, Thorer inherits the mother (has inherited his father earlier) and Ole inherits both.

However, the debt exceeds the income, thus nothing to inherit. Thorer accepts the debt when receiving all the properties.


The debt includes 60 rd, which is Maren Henrichsd.'s inhertage from earlier.

Maren is married to "Christopher Bergersen af Schedsmoe Sogn". She is a daugther of Henrich Henrichsen,

however not clear (to me) whether she is also Guri's daughter or from an earlier marriage of Henrich.


I do not see any age for Ole. However, a "formynder" is appointed, meaning that he is below 18.

For Thorer, a "curator" is appointed, meaning that he is above 18, but not fully mature (25).


Technically, there can be other siblings as they, strictly, have no role since there is only debt to inherit.


The text is a bit confusing about the well beeing of Haagen and Guri ...

The top text says "efter afgl. [afgangne] Haagen Olsen og Hustru Guri Thorersdaatter" with date 1770 25 Oct.

"afgangne" = deceased.

However, the division was specifically "forlangt" (requested) by Haagen, and the negotiations refer his satisfaction

with the arrangement (Thorer takes the debt and properties).

At the end, the division is completed 25 Oct 1770, however, delayed to 17 Aug. 1772.  It may be that

Haagen and Guri passed awy in the meantime. It may also be that the court negotiations took place before 25 Oct 1770,

while this is the closure date.

Edited by Ivar S. Ertesvåg
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1 time siden, Richard Berg skrev:


Ole Haagensen (born in Hobøl): https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/2934/310   (right-hand page)
Haagen Olsen (born in Hobøl): https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/2934/132   (middle of left-hand page)


This Haagen is born 1766, and he is not the Haagen of the probate (1770 - apparently an elderly man).

Ole b. 1804 might be son of Haagen b. 1766.

It is not clear how these might be related to the individuals mentioned in the probate.

Edited by Ivar S. Ertesvåg
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Thank you for taking the time to explain this so well to me. 


My 3rd g-grandfather, Ole, was not born until long after this action of 1770. The conclusion, which you came to also, is that this probate protocol and the people mentioned are not my family - at least not my direct line. 


One alternative explanation might have been that the Ole mentioned in the probate was born, at the earliest, around 1753 and not yet 18 in 1770, and was the father of my 4th g-grandfather Haagen Olsen (b.1766). But it would be extremely unlikely to father a child at age 13 or so.  There's a half-generation disconnect with this scenario.


Thanks, too, for the link to the actual probate protocol. It's astonishing to me that so much information can be squeezed onto one page. The original pages must be on larger, folio-size paper. 



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You will need more detailed information to establish family lines.  Just looking for names does not hold. Moreover, the people you found,

lived in different regions. The Haagen and Guri of the probate lived in Ullensaker, Akershus county, while the church registries are from

Hobøl parish in Østfold. Keep in mind that at this time, 10-20% of all males was called Ole (for Ullensaker parish, 1801 census: 373 out

of 1985 or 18.8%)

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