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Help with my grandfather's lineage

Peggy Stanley

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Sounds like I need a detective...or a miracle! :D


I am hoping that the fact that it looks like there's a 'Jenssen' in the Godparents column indicates that he might have used his real name. And I need to confirm the story about his father and brother possibly drowning. If I can find a record of a Jens Jenssen who drown, that might give me some clues.

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Also, the last person listed under Godparents in grandfather's birth record appears to have the last name Jensen, but I cannot make out the first name. Any luck with that? If I could find someone else from this family on


The godparents are Skomager Sivert Raanæs og hstr. Birgitte, Skom. Lars Jullum og hstr. Jensine.


Translated: Shoemaker Sivert Raanæs and wife Birgitte, shoemaker Lars Jullum and wife Jensine.


The first couple can be found here in 1900: http://www.digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=9&filnamn=f01601&gardpostnr=4926&personpostnr=23372&merk=23372#ovre

The second couple can be found here in 1900: http://www.digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=13&filnamn=f01601&gardpostnr=4926&personpostnr=23372&merk=23372#ovre


I'm sorry, no Jensen in the godparents' list ...


Both shoemakers are from Nedre Stjørdal ('Lower Stjørdal', north-east of Trondheim) and both wives are from Trondheim. I don't know if that is significant.


There is a describing comment field to this baptism, but as of current, I'm not able to transcribe it.

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There is a describing comment field to this baptism, but as of current, I'm not able to transcribe it.


Neither am I as it's too faded. I doubt that it's of much importance though. I think it states that the birth is reported by the mother herself.

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Neither am I as it's too faded. I doubt that it's of much importance though. I think it states that the birth is reported by the mother herself.


Døypte i Ila kirke, Trondheim, 1879-1886 is transcribed by DIS Sør-Trøndelag. Kristian Edvard

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The godparents are Skomager Sivert Raanæs og hstr. Birgitte, Skom. Lars Jullum og hstr. Jensine.


Translated: Shoemaker Sivert Raanæs and wife Birgitte, shoemaker Lars Jullum and wife Jensine.


The first couple can be found here in 1900: http://www.digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=9&filnamn=f01601&gardpostnr=4926&personpostnr=23372&merk=23372#ovre

The second couple can be found here in 1900: http://www.digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=13&filnamn=f01601&gardpostnr=4926&personpostnr=23372&merk=23372#ovre


I'm sorry, no Jensen in the godparents' list ...


Both shoemakers are from Nedre Stjørdal ('Lower Stjørdal', north-east of Trondheim) and both wives are from Trondheim. I don't know if that is significant.


There is a describing comment field to this baptism, but as of current, I'm not able to transcribe it.


Thank you, Leif! No Jensen, but it might hold some clue. I think I really need to talk to my aunt and see if she has anything that might shed some light on this. Really appreciate your help!

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Døypte i Ila kirke, Trondheim, 1879-1886 is transcribed by DIS Sør-Trøndelag. Kristian Edvard


Thanks a lot, Aud!


Here's the transcribed note from Aud's link above:


K: Opgivet af Barnemoderen som hendes og antag. ogsaa hans 1. Barn. Hjemmed. af Lærer Hanger i Nærv. af Mad. Grete Gröntvedt og Enke Ingeborg Joh. Rönning.


Reported by the child's mother as her and probably also his 1. child. Christened at home by teacher Hanger witnessed by Mad. Grete Gröntvedt and Widow Ingeborg Joh. Rönning.


I find the wording "Probably also his first child" as rather telling. We don't know anything about him. :blink:


BTW, I think you ought to thank Stian above ;)

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The godparents are Skomager Sivert Raanæs og hstr. Birgitte, Skom. Lars Jullum og hstr. Jensine.


Translated: Shoemaker Sivert Raanæs and wife Birgitte, shoemaker Lars Jullum and wife Jensine.


The first couple can be found here in 1900: http://www.digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=9&filnamn=f01601&gardpostnr=4926&personpostnr=23372&merk=23372#ovre

The second couple can be found here in 1900: http://www.digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=13&filnamn=f01601&gardpostnr=4926&personpostnr=23372&merk=23372#ovre


I'm sorry, no Jensen in the godparents' list ...


Both shoemakers are from Nedre Stjørdal ('Lower Stjørdal', north-east of Trondheim) and both wives are from Trondheim. I don't know if that is significant.


There is a describing comment field to this baptism, but as of current, I'm not able to transcribe it.


Thank you Stian!! I'm trying to do too many things at once and I thought Leif put this on here! :) Really, really appreciate it!!

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Thanks a lot, Aud!


Here's the transcribed note from Aud's link above:


K: Opgivet af Barnemoderen som hendes og antag. ogsaa hans 1. Barn. Hjemmed. af Lærer Hanger i Nærv. af Mad. Grete Gröntvedt og Enke Ingeborg Joh. Rönning.


Reported by the child's mother as her and probably also his 1. child. Christened at home by teacher Hanger witnessed by Mad. Grete Gröntvedt and Widow Ingeborg Joh. Rönning.


I find the wording "Probably also his first child" as rather telling. We don't know anything about him. :blink:


BTW, I think you ought to thank Stian above ;)



Thank You Aud! And Leif for the translation! That's very interesting. Thanks to everyone here, it looks like I have every possible clue from this document. You guys are great!!! I could have never figured all this out.


I think the best solution is to hop on a plane and come back to Norway!! :D


I sure hope I can some day! In the meantime I will keep digging!

Thank you, thank you!

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Leif, I appear to be a dunce and I cannot seem to figure out how to change the title. :(

I went to the first post and hit edit, but that seems to only let me edit the body of the message. What is the magic button?


So, this family is pretty interesting - which makes me think for sure they must be mine! :D It just seems to fit that if he was a sailor and Inga worked on steamboats that they certainly could have met that way. And then my grandfather became a sailor and a deep sea fisherman - life on the water. I grew up fishing with my dad - I always called him 'the old man of the sea' after Hemingway's novel.


I still have one aunt living on my dad's side of the family and I am going to get in touch with her and see if she has some tid bit of information that might help me solve this. Maybe I can also find someone involved in the history of Trondheim that could help me. My experience with this ancestry thing is to keep digging - a little clue here and a little clue there and it eventually all comes together.


I sure appreciate all your help! I'm definitely coming back to Norway when I get this all figured out. And then I'm going to write a book! Just a few things on my to-do list!


Peggy,I dont know if you have this information? Its very confusing.

Ole Andersen Rønning married Ingeborg Johanna Monsdatter 17 April 1864 Bakklandet

Ingeborg b.12 Sept 1828 chr.7 Oct 1828 Leksvik Nurd Trondelag

parents were Mons Christophersen & Elen Anna Nielsdatter.

Ole Rønnings father was Anders Andersen Orkedalen

In the 1865 Census Ole and Johanna ( Ingeborg ) have 2 sons who also appear in 1875.

Johns birth ( 1863 ) can not be found in Bakklandet nor Edvards. In 1875 Edvard is using the name Olsen and born 1856 Kristiansund.

1865 http://www.rhd.uit.no/folketellinger/ftliste_e.aspx?ft=1865&knr=1601&kenr=1393&bnr=1392&lnr=000

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Peggy,I dont know if you have this information? Its very confusing.

Ole Andersen Rønning married Ingeborg Johanna Monsdatter 17 April 1864 Bakklandet

Ingeborg b.12 Sept 1828 chr.7 Oct 1828 Leksvik Nurd Trondelag

parents were Mons Christophersen & Elen Anna Nielsdatter.

Ole Rønnings father was Anders Andersen Orkedalen

In the 1865 Census Ole and Johanna ( Ingeborg ) have 2 sons who also appear in 1875.

Johns birth ( 1863 ) can not be found in Bakklandet nor Edvards. In 1875 Edvard is using the name Olsen and born 1856 Kristiansund.

1865 http://www.rhd.uit.no/folketellinger/ftliste_e.aspx?ft=1865&knr=1601&kenr=1393&bnr=1392&lnr=000



No, I didn't have that - Thank you! That gives me a whole addition generation back. So Bakklandet is the parish that I would look under to find these records - correct? I did see that Edvard's birth place is listed as Kristiansund, which seems to suggest that the family did some moving.

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I'm trying to interpret this, but do you see a birth place or date for Jens Jenssen?


I read the record as


"Jens Jenssen, Handelsrejsende, u., fra T.hjem, Tj. Inga Marie Rønning, fhv. Dampskibspige, u., nu Tjp. i London", meaning something like "Jens Jenssen, travelling salesman, unmarried, from Tronhjem [Trondheim], and maid servant Inga Marie Rønning, previously maid servant at a steamboat, unmarried, now maid servant in London"

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I read the record as


"Jens Jenssen, Handelsrejsende, u., fra T.hjem, Tj. Inga Marie Rønning, fhv. Dampskibspige, u., nu Tjp. i London", meaning something like "Jens Jenssen, travelling salesman, unmarried, from Tronhjem [Trondheim], and maid servant Inga Marie Rønning, previously maid servant at a steamboat, unmarried, now maid servant in London"



Thank you, Eline!


So, I have a question - Does this indicate that Jens Jenssen was possibly still living in Trondheim in 1900 or does it mean he was born in Trondheim?

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I read the record as


"Jens Jenssen, Handelsrejsende, u., fra T.hjem, Tj. Inga Marie Rønning, fhv. Dampskibspige, u., nu Tjp. i London", meaning something like "Jens Jenssen, travelling salesman, unmarried, from Tronhjem [Trondheim], and maid servant Inga Marie Rønning, previously maid servant at a steamboat, unmarried, now maid servant in London"


To the right, there's a note: "Svag i hovedet" meaning "Weak in the head" :huh:


There's nothing about the current whereabouts of Jens Jensen, though.

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Does this indicate that Jens Jenssen was possibly still living in Trondheim in 1900 or does it mean he was born in Trondheim?


My interpretation is that he is supposed to live in Trondheim in 1900. However, the 'traveling salesman' characteristic makes it difficult to be sure of his whereabouts.

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To the right, there's a note: "Svag i hovedet" meaning "Weak in the head" :huh:


There's nothing about the current whereabouts of Jens Jensen, though.



Ok, now I'm cracking up! :lol:


I'm taking it that my grandfather didn't score too well in his "religious knowledge!" (If my cheat sheet on the column translations is correct)

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My interpretation is that he is supposed to live in Trondheim in 1900. However, the 'traveling salesman' characteristic makes it difficult to be sure of his whereabouts.


That's what I was kind of thinking - once again he's ellusive. :(

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Peggy I have some more information for you. Mogens ( Mons ) Christophersen married

Elen Anna Nielsdatter 27 April 1823 Leksvik. Mogens was uekte born 1798 Meelhuus.

Father was Corporal Christopher Nielsen Kolien.Mother Ingebor Mogensdatter Meelhuus.

Mogens is foster son with his mother in Meelhuus 1801. It appears Ingebor's mother is in a second marriage. Maybe I can find Ingebors fathers name.



Ellen Anna was born 1799 in Langaasæter.Parents Niels Olsen & Ingebor Jonsdatter and they live in Biørnaas in 1801. When Ellen married 1823 they were living in Moen ( Moan )

The records are there in Leksvik church books.

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Ingebor Mogensdatter b. Melhus chr.16 Oct 1778 Leksvik

Father Mogens Pedersen b.ca.1725 Melhus bur. 7 Aug 1785 Leksvik

Parents Peder Jonsen Melhus & Kirsti Monsdatter

Mogens married Marit Michelsdatter 18 Nov 1770 Leksvik

Marit b. ca.1746 Trangen,Leksvik d.27 April 1829 Melhus bur.7 May 1829 Leksvik

parents Michel Nielsen Trangen 1720 - 1 Sept 1796 Trangen. bur.1 Sept. 1796 Leksvik

Marit Nielsdatter 1725 - bur.24 July 1795 Leksvik


Marit Michelsdatter married ( 2 ) Ole Nielsen 1 June 1787 Leksvik

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Ingebor Mogensdatter b. Melhus chr.16 Oct 1778 Leksvik

Father Mogens Pedersen b.ca.1725 Melhus bur. 7 Aug 1785 Leksvik

Parents Peder Jonsen Melhus & Kirsti Monsdatter

Mogens married Marit Michelsdatter 18 Nov 1770 Leksvik

Marit b. ca.1746 Trangen,Leksvik d.27 April 1829 Melhus bur.7 May 1829 Leksvik

parents Michel Nielsen Trangen 1720 - 1 Sept 1796 Trangen. bur.1 Sept. 1796 Leksvik

Marit Nielsdatter 1725 - bur.24 July 1795 Leksvik


Marit Michelsdatter married ( 2 ) Ole Nielsen 1 June 1787 Leksvik


Wow - this is awesome! Thank you!

How did you find all these dates? I went to the Leksvik books, but they are really hard to read. Maybe I am in the wrong place. Leksvik is in Nord-Trøndelag, right? I love to include copies of the official records on my Ancestry page. Maybe if you could send me one link I would know if I'm looking in the right place.


Really appreciate your help!! :D I wish I could get some kind of break on my grandfather's dad - the ellusive Jens Jenssen! I'm sure I will eventually.

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I believe I found Mogens father. When you look at the birth record for Mogen his father's farm name looks like Kolien but in fact its probably Rolien. When this Christopher Nielsen married Gjiertrud Pedersdatter 14 Nov 1799 Leksvik his name is shown as Corporal Christopher Nielsen Rolien. He died 17 April 1841.




Yes the church records for Leksvik are in Nord Trondelag. I can post them if you wish?


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Christopher Nielsen was born 1769 in Rolien.Parents Niels Nielsen & Elen Nielsdatter

They were married 7 Nov 1762 in Leksvik. Here is theior engagement in july bottom of right page ( trolovet )


Kildeinformasjon: Nord-Trøndelag fylke, Leksvik, Ministerialbok nr. 701A03 (1751-1783), Kronologisk liste 1762, side 77.

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=16387&idx_id=16387&uid=ny&idx_side=-74

Permanent bildelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070925670438.jpg

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It appears Niels Nielsen divorced from Elen Nielsdr. Niels Nielsen Rolien married Karen

Tomasdr.Tetlien 4 July 1790 in Leksvik.

Elen Nielsdr. buried 24 July 1802 Leksvik see Julii right side


Kildeinformasjon: Nord-Trøndelag fylke, Leksvik, Ministerialbok nr. 701A04 (1783-1816), Døde og begravede 1801-1802, side 140.

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=16388&idx_id=16388&uid=ny&idx_side=-97

Permanent bildelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070925670641.jpg

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