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[#6370] Ostrom, Paulson, Johnsdatter

Gjest Karen Ortiz

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Gjest Karen Ortiz

I am not sure if this is where I could ask a question or not.....If not - I am sorry to intrude.I am searching for information on ancestors from Norway. We have the places that they were to have come from but I cannot match any of them up to Norway places I am finding on the web.Olena Paulson born 3-9-1846 at Lundehora-Lundeprestjel. Gunnel Paulson of Kettelsru Gunhild Johnsdatter of Setendal.It is obvious I am missing something can you give me a hint as to what??Thanks, Karen

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You are quite close, Karen. Just some misspelling. Let me start with the most obvious clues. Lundeprestjel must be a misspelling of Lunde prestegjeld which is the name of a parish in the district of Telemark (Nome kommune). As far as I know, there is no place called Lundehora in this parish, but there is a farm called Lundefaret. This is a "subfarm" under a main farm called Ova or Oven in some sources.Kettelru seems to be a little wrong for

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Gjest Inge Eikeland

I did my research at the same time as Knut, and I have found out allmost the same as him. I can add that all your farms are located in Telemark. I the 1865 cencus you find them under Bøe herad(county). Lunde is a sub-parish under Bøe, which is the main-parish.Kittilsrud is, like Knut says, a subfarm under Verpe, and has farmnumber 17,3. Lundefaret is a subfarm under Oven and has farmnumber 30,8.For Sættendal (also in Telemark) see here :

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